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SolarWinds Advanced Automation

SS Course: GK841003

Course Overview


This program is ideally suited for students with at least six months of hands-on experience in SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM) and/or Server & Application Monitor (SAM) administration, or those who have successfully completed the Loop1 SolarWinds Advanced Platform Administration class.

This class assumes students possess a foundational understanding of element polling, the Orion database schema, and are proficient in navigating the SolarWinds web console. Topics covered in this advanced class encompass an exploration of the Orion SDK, understanding SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL), and utilizing PowerShell for the automation of Orion administration tasks.


Scheduled Classes

05/08/25 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
07/24/25 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led
10/02/25 - GVT - Virtual Classroom - Virtual Instructor-Led



This specialized class covers the following SolarWinds modules:

  • Network Performance Monitor (NPM)
  • Server & Application Monitor (SAM)
  • Network Configuration Manager (NCM)

Unlock the potential of SolarWinds automation, gain hands-on experience with the SDK and API, and elevate your SolarWinds administration capabilities.



      Who Should Attend


      Students who want to gain hands-on experience with the SDK and API, and elevate their SolarWinds administration capabilities.