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System Source Pizza Webinar - Urgent IT Security Lessons using Verizon’s Analysis of 30,458 Security Incidents
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 12 noon to 1:00pm


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This webinar covers independent, data-driven research we use to secure our clients.

You are invited to a Pizza Webinar on “Urgent IT Security Lessons using Verizon’s Analysis of 30,458 Security Incidents” for those making security decisions.

We’ll deliver pizza to your home or office for this webinar! 

Maury Weinstein, System Source Co-Founder, is passionate about avoiding breaches and will use his 42 years managing thousands of workstations and servers for a non-technical discussion of:

  • 3 patterns covering 91% of incidents
  • Early data on AI generated security risks
  • Inexpensive security wins
  • Security priorities by industry from known risks
  • Finding your organization’s security comfort level
  • Helping top management make security decisions

This delicious webinar is on Wednesday, 6/26 from Noon - 1


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